For Media Organizations

In today’s market, attention is the ultimate currency. The main challenge for media organizations now is capturing customer interest — and keeping it.

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Inkredible Media mobile mockup with personalized messaging for AlexInkredible Media email showing top trending marketsInkredible Media email with personalized messaging for Alex

Hear from Benjamin Jacob, CRM Marketing Manager at FOX Bet, about how his team utilizes dynamic personalization to enhance their reactivation strategy and get campaigns out the door faster.

To remain competitive in the attention economy, the most successful brands will stand out from the crowd by delivering personalized value across every touchpoint.

Built to meet the needs of today’s digital consumer, Movable Ink enables the world’s largest media brands to create content that’s data-driven, contextually relevant, and unique for each customer at any given moment.

Content easily connects to all relevant data no matter where it lives, updates based upon a recipient's recent actions, and is auto-generated by the platform with post-deployment recency.

With Movable Ink, media organizations can automatically generate millions of versions of personalized content at scale to power any customer engagement, including next best high-value actions, lifecycle offers, and behavior-based content recommendations.

Inkredible Media email with personalized content for Alex

Strategic Solutions for Media

Below are some examples of how media organizations leverage Movable Ink across key customer journeys.

Inkredible Media email with weekly rundown content


Movable Ink integrates with various APIs to automate millions of versions of highly personalized newsletters, ensuring information is up-to-date and uniquely tailored to each recipient. Emails pull in the latest content for top news and upcoming shows, tailoring selections to individual users’ implicit and explicit behaviors.

Inkredible Media email with personalized recommendations for Alex

Content Discovery and Engagement

Movable Ink unifies disparate data — no matter where it lives or how varied the sources — to automate 1:1 content recommendations, boosting content discovery while simplifying the creative and production processes.

Inkredible Media email with personalized messaging

Personalized Offers

Ensure that customers see timely, relevant promotions by automating next best offers based on eligibility and subscription status.

Inkredible Media email with personalized membership info for Alex

Next Best Action

Easily integrate existing marketing technology to show users personalized high-value action recommendations across channels, increasing retention and lifetime value.

Inkredible Media email with weekly rundown contentInkredible Media email with personalized recommendations for AlexInkredible Media email with personalized messaging Inkredible Media email with personalized membership info for Alex