For Travel & Hospitality

Generate Tailored Content for Enhanced Customer Engagement: Loyalty Programs, Inventory, Reviews & More

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Inkredible Travel mobile mockupInkredible Travel email with personalized content for CarmenInkredible Travel email with personalized content for Jackie

Movable Ink For Travel and Hospitality

Travel and hospitality marketing teams now face unprecedented challenges: evolving customer personas and behaviors demand agility in messaging to inspire loyalty and drive bookings.

Movable Ink is the solution for today’s digital traveler, empowering major travel and hospitality brands to create and curate personalized, data-driven content that adapts in real-time and is unique for every user.

With Movable Ink, effortlessly scale personalized content across channels and campaign types, ensuring every interaction is relevant and impactful.

Inkredible Travel email with personalized content for Quinn

Strategic Solutions for Travel and Hospitality

Below are some examples of how travel and hospitality marketers leverage Movable Ink across key customer journeys.

Inkredible Travel email with personalized rewards information for Quinn


Automatically create hyper-personalized messages that show customers their most recent loyalty status and rewards balance — plus cross-sell additional opportunities to earn based on customer status and previous behaviors. Movable Ink integrates with various loyalty solutions to pull data that fosters earn and burn behaviors at a 1:1 level.

Inkredible Travel email with tailored booking messaging for Quinn

Live Pricing/Abandon

Showcase the most recent price for your customer based on departure location, preferred destination, previous searches, or other first- or zero-party data. Movable Ink integrates into your existing martech stack to automate content areas, showcasing recent rates and availability.

Inkredible Travel email with personalized content for Quinn

Behavioral Content at Scale

Movable Ink tracks consumers' behaviors on-site to allow for scalable targeting in mass messages, moving from traditional segmentation to true 1:1 personalization.

Inkredible Travel email for Mary with information for her Aruba trip

Post-Purchase Engagement

Extend the amazing experience provided to customers while they look to book after completing the transaction with customized 1:1 pre-trip emails highlighting every element of the customer's booked trip, including education on up to date rules or restrictions based on departure or arrival location or date, upgrade availability, local amenities, add on offers and more. All of this content is automatically created in the template creating millions of variations based on the individual recipient's trip.

Inkredible Travel email with personalized rewards information for QuinnInkredible Travel email with tailored booking messaging for QuinnInkredible Travel email with personalized content for QuinnInkredible Travel email for Mary with information for her Aruba trip