[Infographic] Shifting Priorities to Retention

Mel Laffin


March 2, 2021

As people continue to spend more time at home, organizations are benefiting from increased digital adoption. That’s created a record spike in new users and a need to prioritize marketing personalization across email and mobile. Now that consumer confidence is on the rise, prioritizing retention in 2021 is key to deepening customer relationships and building revenue.Retention is critical for sustained growth during an on-going economic recession and to ensure that existing customers stick around for the long-term. Some industries experienced record growth during the pandemic, and others struggled to keep the lights on. With economic uncertainty still top of mind for most consumers, retention is the main strategic concern in 2021, no matter what 2020 looked like.We’ve put together an infographic outlining the key trends to keep in mind and why your team should concentrate on personalized retention.Some key things you’ll notice: * The impact retention has on customer strategy.* Digital adoption rates in 2020 and what to expect in 2021.* How personalization is fueling retention and meeting new expectations.To learn more about prioritizing retention in 2021, download Movable Ink’s [eBook Streaming Services: How to Stay Agile in an Unpredictable World](https://go.movableink.com/streaming-services-ebook-stay-agile-in-an-unpredictable-environment.html).![](https://movableink-marketing.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/infographics/Retention-Infographic.jpg)