Movable Pink Takes on 2021

Mel Laffin


March 8, 2021

During the pandemic, Movable Ink’s employee resource groups have been essential in creating virtual spaces for belonging, inclusivity, and dialogue in a challenging year. In honor of International Women’s Day, we want to highlight Movable Pink, our employee resource group for women, non-binary folks, and allies. Created in response to the gender gap in tech, Movable Pink has evolved into a vibrant community committed to the personal and professional growth of its members.Over the past year, Movable Pink adapted to remote work by transitioning in-person events to global events, including career workshops, panels, online charity auctions, and happy hours. Today, the group has grown to over 140 members, representing almost half of Movable Ink’s workforce. As we look ahead to the year ahead, we want to celebrate a few of the diverse women who make up Movable Pink.**Meet 3 Stand-Out Women in Tech**----------------------------------![](**Morgan Bell**_she/her/hers_ Senior Manager, Technology Business Development, BD Team Years at Movable Ink: 3**Can you share a memorable professional milestone?**My very first career milestone was being kept on after my 12-month internship at Virgin came to an end. During those 12 months, I put in maximum effort, took on additional projects, and gained visibility across multiple departments, all of which I believe contributed to the decision to employ me indefinitely. Without that hard work and opportunity, I wouldn’t be where I am today!Another milestone would be winning my first Email award back in my client days as an early adopter of Movable Ink. Building out and deploying a campaign that won the “Best Email Marketing” category was a great achievement not only for myself but for the whole CRM team at the time.**What is the best piece of advice you have received in your career?**To always write down your goals (professional and personal). **What does Movable Pink mean to you as a resource at MI?** In a nutshell, women supporting women. It’s valuable knowing that there’s an MI resource that you can go to with any concerns, queries (no matter how big or small), and it’s great that we can offer support back to fellow lady inkers!![](**Michelle Boytano** _she/her/hers_Associate Director, Client Marketing Years at Movable Ink: 2**Can you share a memorable professional milestone? **A few years ago, I came to a crossroads where I realized that if I wanted to grow my marketing career, I needed to leave a company that I truly loved. The decision was one of the hardest I’ve made, but in retrospect, it was the best thing I could have done for my career. I left to go to a company in the SaaS space where I first learned about the marketing strategy “Account-Based Marketing (ABM)”, which has been important to get me to where I am today. It was only because of this leap that I found myself at Movable Ink in a new role for the organization dedicated entirely to ABM. Over the last two years at Movable Ink, I’ve sharpened my ABM skills and eventually grown into a new role focused on Client Marketing. I love working with our Sales and CX teams, and the creativity and collaboration between these groups is something that is so motivating to me. I am always extremely grateful for the past experiences I’ve had – the good and the bad – because without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. **What is the best piece of advice you have received in your career? **It’s okay to say no to things that fall outside of your main priorities. **What does Movable Pink mean to you as a resource at MI? **Movable Pink offers many different opportunities to meet other women throughout the organization, hear from inspirational speakers, and share relevant articles and ideas within the Movable Pink Slack channel. I love that there are a variety of ways to participate in this group, and I think every single woman contributes in some way. It’s been so reassuring to hear how many women are going through such similar things – it makes you feel like you’re not alone and your feelings are validated, and Movable Pink has been a great resource to foster that type of sharing! ![](**Morgan Lanno** _she/her/hers_ Learning & Development Associate Director, People Team Years at Movable Ink: 1.5**Can you share a memorable professional milestone?**Being at Movable Ink is the milestone– I left my last org because of the incredible imbalance in leadership. After multiple incredibly talented and capable women were passed up for promotions in lieu of outside hires that just didn’t work, I left, promising myself I would never work for an organization that felt as biased (and could so easily hide behind/ explain it away …) as the large companies I was working for. Movable Ink is my safe space where I am not afraid to ask “why” or ask for more information if something doesn’t feel right… and know there won’t be a backlash. I have had many managers and always found the language and the right moments in which I could be candid– and in a job that is so much about values and beliefs, it feels great to be able to not have to compromise my own.**What is the best piece of advice you have received in your career?**Operate on the policy that everyone has the best intentions.**What does Movable Pink mean to you as a resource at MI?** It’s such a great medium to harness vulnerability and wins in a safe space. There’s an incredible amount of research on the connection between the success of female leaders and their more natural ability to be vulnerable and empathic– and the group’s ability to support one another and provide (ad hoc and planned) space for this is precious and remarkably special.