Movable Ink News

At Think Summit 2022, Bloomreach Merges Customer and Product Data for the Ideal eCommerce Experience

Arielle Hornedo


April 27, 2022

This June, Movable Ink’s Think Summit Conference will bring together many of the brightest minds in digital marketing to discuss the present and future of marketing personalization. We are eager to share the successes of our customers and partners and hear from trailblazing digital marketers on June 8th and 9th live from New York City.

To ring in the event excitement, we wanted to share a preview of the session Bloomreach will present on Thursday, June 9th, at the Glasshouse in New York City.

As a valuable Think Summit sponsor and marketing technology brand that partners closely with Movable Ink, Bloomreach is the “world’s #1 Commerce Experience Cloud,” combining “powerful content, customer engagement, and product discovery offerings to achieve true personalization and drive unparalleled business growth.”

Amanda Elam, CMO of Bloomreach, will present “Bloomreach: Spinning Up a Personalization Flywheel with Commerce Data,” where she will emphasize the marriage between customer and product data and show how–for true personalization–one cannot exist without the other in marketing communications.

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Building an eCommerce Data Strategy

As Bloomreach notes in the company’s The Way to Data blog series, “one of the most important building blocks of e-commerce personalization is being able to effectively collect and use commerce data. For digital marketers focused on online sales, commerce data is the mixture of customer and product data deployed accurately to show the right customer the right product at the right time.”

One form of data without the other makes the life of marketers much more difficult. You can have all the customer information you want, but if the data isn’t matched to products that are in stock and the right size, the customer experience will suffer. When all your product information–titles, images, category, description, etc.–is well maintained and accurate alongside adequate customer data, those products have a much higher possibility of reaching the right hands.

Personalization Starts with First- and Zero-Party Data

Because of online privacy’s ever-changing regulatory landscape and Apple’s introduction of Mail Privacy Protection (MPP), zero- and first-party data are essential to any brand’s marketing personalization strategy. While there is still value in second- or third-party data–which is collected from external websites and has the potential of being inaccurate–consumers trust personalized experiences and are willing to trade their personal preferences to a brand for a better online experience.

In fact, privacy can be good for personalization.

Accurate customer data is crucial to any eCommerce brand’s marketing strategy, especially in the modern era where customers expect brands to personalize the online shopping experience. Movable Ink found that 68% of consumers surveyed recently said they are likely to be a loyal customer if a brand is engaging and builds a personal relationship with them. That relationship starts with data that accurately represents each and every one of your customers.

The Role of Product Data in Personalization

Whether you’re a digital native brand whose entire operation is online or a retailer that sells both online and in-store, Amanda will go into the details necessary for your team to deliver accurate product information in personalized marketing communications.

As Bloomreach points out, “product data is all of the information about a product that can be read, measured, and structured into a usable format. Having accurate product data is essential, as companies can lose revenue online because of incomplete or inaccurate product data.”

The devil is in the details. Accurate product descriptions lead to more clicks and conversions. Correct product category data means customers can find what they want quickly. Product titles and images ensure that customers are inspired by what they see and allow people to better understand what they are purchasing, which could lead to fewer returns as well.

Harmonizing eCommerce Data at Think Summit

Once product and customer data are accurate and organized, eCommerce brands can “engage the customer across all channels, inspire them with targeted content, and convert them with great search and product recommendations.”

To hear Amanda discuss how to transition from channel to customer centricity as well as the five stages of personalization, get your tickets to Think Summit today.

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Think Summit is back in New York City as the premier digital marketing conference of the year. This exclusive two-day event will be filled with energizing keynotes, inspiring client presentations, industry-specific strategy sessions, networking opportunities, fun activities, and more.

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