AI Personalization

AI-Driven Analytics: Deeper Insights for Performance Growth

Erica Dingman


July 19, 2024

Da Vinci Raises the Bar on Traditional Email Metrics 

Marketers have grown accustomed to analyzing and reporting on traditional email campaign metrics such as click-through-rates and conversions. While these data points are critical for tracking aggregate campaign performance, the truth is that email metrics have not evolved much over the past few decades. Yet, when it comes to what’s available today–thanks to advances in AI–traditional metrics are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to unlocking meaningful campaign insights.

Movable Ink Da Vinci enables marketers to uncover deeper insights about their creative content and obtain a more extensive understanding of their customers. With so much new information available, brands can unlock data that drives effective personalization, future campaign planning, and, most importantly, tangible business results.

Content-Level Engagement & Performance 

Most marketers live and breathe aggregate campaign-level metrics. However, they’re usually overlooking the performance of each creative asset. That’s because most software can’t measure an individual asset’s impact and most reports don’t have the ability to drill down into specific creative performance. With Da Vinci, it’s now possible to understand exactly what content is resonating and driving revenue.

With Creative Insights in the Da Vinci platform, marketers are able determine which assets customers engage with, how effective each asset was at achieving desired business goals, and even predict the percentage of recipients who are likely to spend more after receiving a specific piece of creative. 

The impact of each asset becomes tangible through a few key proprietary metrics applied to all content. Da Vinci’s Open and Creative Effectiveness Scores determine customers’ affinity for individual creatives, and a Positive Reaction analyzes whether the recipient is expected to spend at least 15% more after receiving the personalized creative.

With Da Vinci, marketers no longer need to guess what makes a campaign successful. Accessing rich creative insights provides valuable learnings that can be applied to future campaigns and influence the creative production process.

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Subject Line Engagement & Performance 

Da Vinci’s subject line generation and prediction capabilities give marketers the opportunity to create and scale effective, on-brand subject lines that are predicted to drive lift. Additionally, as every subject line is tied to a specific hero image, Da Vinci also measures the level of engagement and conversions driven by different sets of copy and tones to help marketers understand what’s resonating with customers. 

Since there’s no one-size-fits all messaging when it comes to email content or subject lines, analyzing the performance of AI-driven subject lines helps marketers not only understand what’s driving real revenue impact, but also gives new insight as to what creative assets are most effective at engaging subscribers and why.

Audience-Level Engagement & Performance 

Da Vinci also provides marketers a unique perspective for specific groups of customers. With Audience Trends, marketers can analyze behaviors and creative preferences for key audience segments to identify emerging trends amongst every type of subscriber.

Using that data captured by Da Vinci, marketers can then build customized audiences to use in their long-term trend analysis, rather than relying on traditional segments to understand content-level trends. This not only helps ensure that brands deliver the right creative to every type of customer, but also gives marketers the ability to collect and share key customer insights across the company.

Experiment-Level Performance Insights

With every Da Vinci email campaign, the AI model automatically optimizes performance through constant experimentation and statistically significant results to drive revenue lift. Da Vinci tests organically, saving marketers the time and effort of manually creating dozens of A/B tests and defining control groups for each campaign.

By constantly experimenting and refining its outputs, marketers gain the opportunity to tailor their content to both active subscribers—driving more value from their loyalty—and dormant customers that need to be re-engaged.

Leap Forward with Your Email Marketing Analytics 

One of the best parts of Da Vinci’s reporting capabilities is that all of these granular insights are automated and easy to access. Whether marketers are looking to drill down into individual asset performance, track emerging patterns amongst key audiences over time, analyze their experiments, or generate further insights for key metrics, the results are intuitive to navigate and give marketers the power to get smarter and more strategic with every single deployment.

Ultimately, all of this content-level data means that marketers not only monitor topline metrics that affect today’s performance, but gain the ability to recognize broader trends when planning inventory, production, timing, and creative strategy to drive lasting revenue impact for their business. Discover more about what Da Vinci has to offer through the related resources below, or see the AI in action for yourself.