Movable Ink's Winter Product Launch Webinar

Movable Ink is excited to share with you our latest product announcements as part of our Winter Launch Webinar.

We’ll cover:

  • Mobile Channel Expansion: Movable Ink can now support intelligent creative in push notifications and in-app messages of customers for Airship, Braze, and Localytics.
  • Channel Workflow Enhancements: Quickly build, QA, and export intelligent creative for any channel with improvements to the New Campaign screen, link testing, and code outputs.
  • CSV Data Source Enhancements: New remote CSV uploads remove the need for manual updates and ensures your data sources are always up-to-date. CSV Data Sources now also accepts geolocation data in standard CSV formats, to help you create location based apps seamlessly.
  • Augmented Reality Enhancements: The new customizable share page is ideal for encouraging your customers to share your branded experience in addition to helping you capture new leads. Additionally, our new GIF capture functionality can increase the time your customers spend engaging with your brand.
  • Security Enhancements: Movable Ink continues to invest in protecting your data by extending support for commonly preferred security features. We now support single sign on through a SAML 2.0-compatible SSO solution to manage your Movable Ink account.

Watch our Winter 2020 Product Launch Webinar to get the full scoop.