
Feature social proof messaging to drive urgency to purchase by generating creative that includes any of Taggstar’s industry-leading social proofing capabilities in various channels. Marketers can use messaging such as number of users that have browsed or bought a product, product inventory, product reviews, and even number of purchases since the user last browsed to encourage customers to buy.

Additionally, badging and color coding, layering different social proofing messages, and A/B testing can be used to see which messaging resonates most and how best to optimize campaigns. Leveraging social proof helps engage customers, encourage sales and grow online conversions by as much as 12%.

Key Features

  • Surface recent-time social proof within email to increase the call to action by creating urgency to engage.
  • Quickly adapt campaigns over retail peaks with new content and recent-time product behavior, increasing agility and go-to-market.
  • Get ahead of competiton and better engage with customers, whilst ensuring content is visually relevant and stunning.


