
Automatically Generate Real-Time Personalization: Product Details with Inventory and Pricing, Onboarding Programs, Social Proof & More

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Salesforce Commerce Cloud + Movable Ink Studio

Drive urgency with real-time product information

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Forever Fresh Content, Always Accurate Products

Automatically access and activate Salesforce Commerce Cloud product data- ensuring creative always has the most up-to-date product images, pricing, inventory, and more.

Glow Up Your Personalization Data Strategy

Easily integrate and combine Salesforce Commerce Cloud data with other data elements (from any source), within a single email or mobile personalization block.

Propel Customers into Action

Entice customers to complete purchases and act on time-sensitive offers by highlighting price drops and live inventory in Movable Ink Studio generated content.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud + Movable Ink Studio

Generate on-brand, personalized content to deploy through Salesforce.

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One Content, All Channels

With Salesforce and Movable Ink, it’s never been easier to create personalized, dynamic content for any channel. Incorporate and reuse Movable Ink Studio content across all Salesforce supported email and mobile channels.

Activate Your Data Riches

Merge Salesforce Marketing Cloud data with data from any other source to automatically generate personalized content. Movable Ink Studio easily transforms multiple data points like loyalty points, product recommendations or customer preferences  into unique, visually compelling creatives without code.

Always-On Content

Ensure all content reflects only the most up-to-date product details to boost engagement and conversions. Easily edit email and mobile messages in real time, even after they've gone live. Keep your campaign running smoothly, without any interruptions or re-coding.

The Power of Studio, In Salesforce

Drive efficiency with the Content Connector, which enables marketers to access Movable Ink Studio content within the Salesforce Marketing Cloud interface. Easily drag and drop Movable Ink Studio content directly into your email and mobile templates.

Salesforce Data Cloud + Movable Ink Studio

Generate personalized content in real-time with Salesforce data.

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It’s All About The Data!

Incorporate behavioral data from Salesforce Data Cloud via Movable Ink Studio’s Customer Data API when designing personalized, composite images in Movable Ink Studio. You can even combine data from other sources in a single creative in Studio.

Unlock Dynamic Targeting

Stream any type of behavioral event or customer action (app login, last watched, loyalty sign-up) from Salesforce Data Cloud to Movable Ink Studio and use it to define targeting logic within Studio.

Don’t Wait for IT Any Longer

Get started quickly with minimal IT involvement. Leverage your own data setup / schema to use Salesforce Data Cloud data to personalize content with Movable Ink Studio.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud + Movable Ink Da Vinci

Curate content for every customer

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Batch to the Future

Take Salesforce batch sends to the next level with Da Vinci. Trained on Salesforce data, Da Vinci selects the most relevant content for each customer, while also optimizing subject lines, frequency and more.

Always Testing, Always Earning

Da Vinci doesn’t just select the best content. It continuously learns and improves over time to maximize performance. The result? Lift in clicks, conversion, and revenue every single time.

Modern Marketing Processes

Movable Ink Da Vinci automates otherwise manual campaign processes like content selection, template creation, and calendar management. The marketer is firmly in control, able to set guardrails.

Guide Subscribers into Triggered Journeys

Getting more out of your batch email program doesn’t stop here. Da Vinci awakens dormant customers, leading more people into Salesforce’s triggered and journey programs. Revolutionize your entire email program.