
In an increasingly privacy-conscious landscape (and potentially cookieless), traditional targeting methods are losing their effectiveness. Marketers struggle to reach the right audience with messages that resonate, leading to wasted resources and diminishing returns.

Together, MetaRouter and Movable ink enable marketers to personalize at scale. MetaRouter sends behavioral event data to Movable Ink which can be used to generate personalized content unique to each customer.

Key Features

  • Deliver Dynamic, Individualized Content In Real Time: Craft highly personalized content that adapts in real-time to individual user preferences, behaviors, and context. Deliver experiences that transcend generic messaging and resonate deeply with each recipient.
  • Increase Addressability Exponentially: Go beyond basic demographics and reach users based on their unique needs, interests, and behaviors. No more missed connections – speak directly to your ideal audience.
  • Boost Campaign Performance: Drive higher engagement, conversion rates, and ROI with privacy-compliant personalization.


