
Generate Tailored Content for Enhanced Customer Engagement: Loyalty Programs, Inventory, Reviews & More

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Braze + Movable Ink Studio

Deliver real-time personalization and streamline production

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Activate Data, No Matter the Source

Access, transform, and decision on customer and behavioral data from Braze, along with data from any other data source, to create unique, data-activated personalization for each customer. Stream Braze behavioral events via Movable Ink Studio’s Customer Data API - no need for IT or to modify existing data schemas.

Content Generation, Your Way

With Movable Ink and Braze, automatically generate infinite personalized creative variations in real-time. Best of all? This is done with your data, your assets, and your oversight.

One Content, All Channels

With Braze and Movable Ink, it’s never been easier to re-use personalized, dynamic content across channels. Incorporate and reuse Studio content across all Braze supported channels, like email, push, in-app messages, and SMS.