[Webinar] How Rakuten Viki Creates Scalable, Cross-Channel Personalization Using Movable Ink + Braze

Kristen Dunleavy


September 22, 2020

In today’s ever-changing landscape, it’s critical for marketers to leverage their martech stack to create the personalized experiences that customers want. But for teams lacking resources, activating that data to create scalable campaigns is challenging.> [**Register for the webinar here**](https://go.movableink.com/RakutenViki-Braze-Mobile-Webinar.html).Rakuten Viki knew this challenge all too well. The video streaming service needed to effectively showcase a wide variety of programming to their audience in a relevant way to create a consistent, engaging experience across their mobile and email campaigns. Join us for a [webinar](https://go.movableink.com/RakutenViki-Braze-Mobile-Webinar.html) on **Wednesday, September 23rd at 2PM EDT**, where Karen Paek, Director of Integrated Marketing at Rakuten Viki, will discuss how her team developed a cross-channel strategy leveraging partner integrations that elevated their customer experiences _and_ reduced production time within their campaigns.Patrick Dwyer, Senior Customer Success Manager at Braze will provide tips and best practices for driving more conversions from mobile, email, and more.Additionally, we’ll cover how Rakuten Viki:* Fosters engagement in their audience community using live polls to gather feedback* Showcases trending shows, ratings, and reviews using APIs* Creates personalized, shareable content based on user preferences[**Register now!**](https://go.movableink.com/RakutenViki-Braze-Mobile-Webinar.html)