Mobile Marketing

Top Takeaways From Movable Ink and Iterable's Leveling up Mobile Marketing Personalization With Zero and First-Party Data Webinar

Shannon Cook


August 27, 2021

This week Movable Ink and Iterable presented a webinar addressing why mobile is now a necessary channel for brands, how to create a mobile foundation that's set up for success, and how marketers can level up their mobile marketing with hyper-personalized content.

The webinar offered mobile tactics any marketer can immediately implement to create seamless mobile personalization that reinforces a brand's cross-channel strategy. In case you missed it, here are the key takeaways from the webinar to keep in mind.

Why Mobile, Why Now?

Mobile devices are almost a third arm to most people. Today, 6.4 billion people worldwide have smartphones in their pocket, and Americans, in particular, are now clocking in at least 4 hours and 20 minutes of the day on their phones. Mobile's high reach and usage may be no surprise, but how consumers depend on mobile has shifted dramatically. While initially considered an "on the go" device, smartphones have become a user's glorified second screen. Currently, 76% of consumers use two or more screens simultaneously to do unrelated things, creating new opportunities for marketers to emphasize mobile's role in cross-channel shopping as consumers hop around from different experiences like websites to emails to apps.

Speaking of apps, with more than two-thirds of internet users now shopping on mobile apps, brands across industries have jumped on the app bandwagon to capture a piece of this engaged audience. However, having an app is just the first step. While consumers are shopping on their mobile apps more than ever, conversion is still an issue compared to computers. While mobile shopping, 85% of consumers abandoned their purchase, meaning that shoppers are engaged and interested but struggling to get over the line.

Luckily for brands, there's a two-word solution – mobile personalization. Personalization is crucial to enhancing the customer experience and establishing a connection with your audience, but not many marketing teams are confident in their ability to personalize effectively. Almost half of marketers that currently personalize through some sort of segmentation strategy say they feel like they're falling behind on delivering 1:1 experiences for their customers.

That's where Movable Ink and Iterable come in. To help brands understand how to create effective personalization that gets consumers to act, marketers can create a foundation with their existing zero- and first-party data to generate compelling, personalized moments that level up their mobile marketing.

Ready, Set Up for Success, Go!

It's typical to think of personalization solely as an end product, but there's a lot more to it than that. When it comes to delivering a deeply personalized campaign, there are three integral components that marketers need to keep in mind:

  • DATA: Prioritizing zero- and first-party data is critical to creating a successful mobile personalization strategy. For best-in-class personalization, the brands that are ready to capture, unite, and layer data sets across their marketing technologies are also in a position to wow mobile users. Data and metadata are incredibly nuanced, but having the means, the foresight and the strategy to successfully fuse that data together while still delivering an individual experience at scale will soon be the new marketing standard.
  • STRATEGY: Understanding each customer's rhythm and unique goals can set brands apart from competitors. Given that mobile is such a deeply personal space for consumers, understanding the value each mobile message delivers is crucial. One wrong or off-timed push notification can influence users to ditch an app, so creating a strategy where users can opt-in on their own volition helps build long-term trust.
  • SET-UP: Behind the scenes, the mobile experience requires a set-up consisting of user segmentation, lifecycle mapping, workflow building, and dynamic content. It's important to remember that one size doesn't fit all. All mobile user experiences are vastly different, and personalization involves tailoring to the individual, not the cohort. The more distinct you can get behind the scenes, the more impactful the experience for your customers as they mature with an app.

Level up Your Content

A robust mobile set-up is imperative, but what comes next after marketers get all their data ducks in a row? Marketing teams should harness their zero- and first-party data in mobile to create hyper-personalized lifecycle campaigns that support activation, nurture, and reactivation strategies. In the webinar, Movable Ink's mobile experts hone in on ways brands can utilize their existing data today to create cross-channel content that drives app downloads and promotions while minimizing mobile abandonment with rich, 1:1 visuals that motivate customers to convert.

It's clear why brands need to prioritize mobile personalization, but more importantly, there are quick and easy ways marketers can get started with their approach. Now is the time for brands to lean into the potential of mobile to create deeper connections with customers by creating value that is personal and specific to their needs.

To learn more about how Movable Ink and Iterable are here to help brands create 1:1 mobile personalization, watch the webinar here.