Digital Marketing

Salesforce Connections Recap: Victoria’s Secret and United Airlines’ Path to Success


May 24, 2024

Leading Sessions From Salesforce Connections

Another Salesforce Connections has come and gone, and the 2024 edition was one for the books. From marketers tearing up their calendars to hands-on workshops, the conference was all about rethinking current tactics for today’s customers and market needs.

Tearing paper gif

But out of the hundreds of expert-led sessions and breakouts, Victoria’s Secret and United Airlines’ visionary stories truly stood out among the rest. Through their partnership with Movable Ink, the two brands transformed their business-as-usual programs into something truly extraordinary.

Victoria’s Secret’s AI-Personalized Batch Emails

Not too long ago, Victoria’s Secret was dealing with the same issues that plague virtually every marketing team: manual segmentation and testing, shrinking email engagement, and messaging that put the brand at the center—rather than the customer.

The team was well aware of the issues, but fixing them was easier said than done. Batch campaigns are the backbone of any marketing calendar, and personalizing thousands of emails is impossible through manual effort alone. Victoria’s Secret needed an automated approach, powered by AI.

The iconic apparel brand’s first step towards a personalized batch program meant decoupling campaigns from creative assets. For example, instead of building a campaign from scratch using one-and-done creatives, Victoria’s Secret decided to rethink their approach:

Da Vinci Campaign Process

For every campaign a marketer schedules, they can choose from various templates for that particular send. From there, the AI uses the marketer’s creative library to automatically select the content that is most likely to resonate with that particular customer, and with every campaign, the marketer can place specific rules and guardrails to control the messaging output. You can see this transformation in action through this in-market campaign.

Victoria’s Secret’s original approach to batch their program looked like the campaign below—sending a single message to their entire email file. While this was relevant to some customers, it certainly wasn’t a one-size-fits-all campaign.

Today, Victoria’s Secret batch emails fuel their business with far more nuance. While everyone still receives an email covering the same topic, the copy and the creative are all fine-tuned to each customer’s affinities.

VS Batch email with Da Vinci

Not only does this automated content decisioning boost customer engagement, it also drives incredible efficiency gains for Victoria’s Secret. By selecting various content for each customer, every piece of content gets greater exposure with customers over the asset’s lifetime, ultimately giving them more bang for their buck with each costly creative.

Maximize Personalization in Every Email

Discover how you can combine data-driven tactics with AI for hyper-relevant messaging.

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United Airlines’ Expert Data-Driven Personalization

When crafting the customer lifecycle journey, United Airlines keeps data at the heart of every effort. From awareness and acquisition to retention, the airline uses data-driven experiences at every stage to entice customers to stay for the long haul.

Awareness Phase: Sustainable Aviation

When choosing an airline, eco-conscious customers will have sustainability top of mind. To show their commitment to minimizing their footprint, United Airlines partnered with Movable Ink to create a scratch-off campaign that tapped into the member's home airport code to display the recycled ingredients used in the fuel at that specific airport.

United Airlines Sustainability Scratch Off

The campaign was renowned by customers and media alike, and it drove a stellar 107% lift in engagement.

Acquisition Phase: Flight Purchases

With the goal of driving bookings all while reducing production complexity, automated personalization was the answer. To efficiently display the lowest fares available for each member, United Airlines leaned on Movable Ink and EveryMundo’s FareWire API to automatically display the best price available to the recipient at their home airport.

United Airlines Dynamic Pricing

Not only did this effort drive domestic flight purchases, it reduced production time by 3-4 days across multiple teams in the business.

Retention Phase: Surprise Travel Deals

For their United MileagePlus subscribers, United Airlines wanted to offer member-exclusive pricing for off-season travel. To tease out this “Surprise Adventure” campaign, the airline used Movable Ink to stoke the fire of excitement with daily urgency-driving emails that included gamification tactics like scratch-offs and countdown timers.

The results of this campaign truly took off, with an incredible 230% lift in CTR and a 2000% lift in award purchases. With just a little data-driven automation, United Airlines made every destination truly irresistible to customers.

United Airlines Surprise Adventure Week
United Airlines Surprise Adventure Timer

These Brands Are Just Getting Started

Victoria’s Secret and United Airlines are making waves through the power of AI and data-driven personalization, all with the ease of automation. Curious how other leading brands are using Movable Ink to power their best campaigns? Take a peek at the lineup for Think Summit 2024, Movable Ink’s flagship conference!