AI Personalization

Navigating the AI Market: The Difference Between Looking for Mr. Right and Mr. Right-Now


February 2, 2023

When Valentine’s Day rolls around each year, everyone has relationships on the brain, and marketers are no exception.

In any relationship, people are on the lookout for “Mr. Right.” The same goes for the customer-brand relationship; ultimately, the heart of marketing relies on fostering a long-term connection with customers through timely, relevant messaging.

To encourage longtime loyalty, brands are turning to AI as their tool of choice. The issue is, traditional AI tools on the market aren’t Mr. Right, they’re “Mr. Right-Now,” the one-time fun date that doesn’t have a lasting impact. While these platforms succeed in closing today’s sales and boosting quick wins, they don’t create true customer-brand relationships, the ultimate goal of marketing.

To create a lasting relationship with customers, brands need a different kind of AI—they need Mr. Right.

Mr. Right-Now: The Problem With Traditional AI Tools

Traditional AIs on the market are built for sales, not marketing. Why is this the case? Because they rely on reinforcing previous actions, rather than deploying personalized content that’s fresh to the customer and encourages continued engagement.

Take abandoned cart triggers. While incredibly successful, it’s primarily due to these customers being only a step away from purchasing. All the AI needs to do is give that last push.

While it’s always a win when a customer completes a purchase, this only succeeds in reminding customers, rather than showing them new content that moves them further along the brand loyalty journey. After purchasing, customers can easily walk away with little attachment to the brand, and they’ll continue searching for Mr. Right, a brand that consistently and organically delights them.

Mr. Right: AI Powered Personalization With Da Vinci

AI that’s built for marketing keeps the long game in mind. With Da Vinci AI, brands are set up to create deep, loyal customer-brand relationships with every individual at scale.

Realize Relationships Are a Journey

AI isn’t used to its full potential if it’s only activated when customers are at the bottom of the funnel. For marketing-centered AI, every customer at any point in the buyer journey should have personalized engagement with the brand that carries them further along their own personal path to brand loyalty.

Instead of simply reinforcing previous behavior—which has little impact on those who’ve yet to interact much with the brand—Da Vinci sends never-before-seen content that the AI powered personalization engine can rightly predict the customer will enjoy. In turn, every interaction helps the AI understand customers as the unique individuals they are, increasing the efficacy of retargeting.

Foster Your Customer-Brand Relationship with AI.

Explore human-centered AI that thinks ahead with the Da Vinci platform.

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Make Your Relationship Long-Term

A lasting customer-brand relationship can’t be built on the foundation of purchases alone. After all, customers are increasingly opting for brands that continually engage with them outside of the purchase cycle.

Mr. Right isn’t only going to engage when something is to be gained. In the same way, it’s crucial that brands use AI to show they care, whether the customer purchases that day or not. In a relationship, a sophisticated AI can show that the brand is truly curious about customers by continually asking questions to discover more about them. Be interested, not just interesting.

By sending deeply personalized messaging all year round, consistent customer engagement that grows stronger over time will be quick to follow.

Communicate What The Brand Brings To The Relationship

For customers to commit to a brand relationship, they need to know the brand. Communicate the unique value your brand brings to the table by telling customers how you’re the right choice for them forever and always.

With AI, not only will each customer learn about your overarching brand story, the points that resonate with them will be emphasized. This way, not only is your value proposition highlighted, but the specific ways you can serve every individual customer will be showcased.

Nearly 70% of customers are likely to stick with a brand if they feel an emotional connection. Don’t shy away from letting your customer get to know you, too—that’s the start of a perfect pairing.

Tell Your Love Story

When customers get to know your brand, don’t stop at your list of differentiators; tell them how you got there, and most importantly, how they can fit into the story themselves.

Put the customer at the center of your brand story by forming your messaging around their needs and preferences. Lasting relationships help each party to grow into their best selves, so don’t constantly remind customers of who they were in their last interaction with your brand. Instead, deploy discovery-based content—what AI predicts will resonate with customers—that develops the best customer habits possible for each individual.


Make the most of AI and be Mr. Right for your customers, not just Mr. Right-Now. With Da Vinci AI, brands are empowered to continually evolve their messaging to surprise and delight their customers, building a forever relationship that establishes meaningful brand loyalty.